Frequently Asked Questions

And answers about how to grow your lawn on the Sunshine Coast

  1. How soon does the turf need to be laid once it’s delivered?
  2. When is the best time to lay turf?
  3. How thick should the soil for turf underlay be spread to prepare for the new turf?
  4. How soon can I mow freshly laid turf?
  5. How much does turf cost?
How soon does the turf need to be laid once it’s delivered?

The sooner the better. For optimal results, new turf needs to be laid within 24 hours of delivery—especially during hot months.

When is the best time to lay turf?

Believe it or not, time of year makes no difference to the turf. It can do fine being laid in cold or warm weather. But temperature does make a difference to the humans who lay it. Laying turf in summer months is hard work—you and the turf will be a lot thirstier and will require more watering.

How thick should the soil for turf underlay be spread to prepare for the new turf?

100mm is a good rule of thumb but it really depends on the heights of your pathways or driveways and remember to allow 20-30 mm for turf and remember fresh soil will consolidate after a few waterings , so you must allow for this also.

How soon can I mow freshly laid turf?

It generally takes 10 to 21 days for new turf to adhere to the soil and establish a firm root system. To determine if your new lawn is ready to mow, simply tug at a piece of it. If it can’t be moved, it’s ready to mow. Make sure you water it right after that first mow.

How much does turf cost?

It depends. We sell CSLB for approximately $9.50 per square metre. (Sir Walter generally $12-14 per square metre.) However, this price does not factor in the cost lawn preparation for turf, which involves excavating, buying and spreading new soil and laying the turf—some of which may require additional tools.

We not only sell turf and soil, but provide excavation and installation services as well. We invite you to take a look at our packages to determine how much time, energy and money you wish to invest in your new lawn.

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